Exercise Fitness and Healthy Living Saves Lives, Too: Breaking Down a 279,000 Person Study in Sweden Exercise Building Muscle with Bands, Chains and New Exercise Science w/ Dan Stephenson Ketogenic Diet Ketones: a Metabolic Therapy to Decrease Inflammation w/ William Seeds, MD Bodybuilding Ben Pakulski on Building Muscle & How Stress Slows Gains Heart Rate Variability (HRV) #240: Tips for Deeper Sleep & Better HRV with OURA Ring CEO Harpreet Rai Autoimmune #239: Exercise and Physical Activity to Prevent Weight Gain w/ Krishna Doniparthi, MD Blood Sugar #232: Stan Efferding: Why Red Meat Is Better Than Chicken & Egg Whites, Unlearning Bad Nutrition Advice Blood Sugar #221: Jody Stanislaw, ND- Blood Sugar & Insulin Balancing Tips from a Type 1 Diabetic Uncategorized #196: Hazel Wallace, MD: Counting Macros VS Eating Real Food Blood Sugar #191: Sami Sweeney- Getting Strong for Summer and Tips to Stay Lean Year-Round Blood Sugar #176: Charles Poliquin- Build Muscle, Gain Strength and Burn Fat Blood Sugar #150: Mark Dedomenico, MD, Connie Guttersen, RD, PhD- Cultivating Weight Loss Habits and Mindset