
Reverse Dieting for Burning Fat and Building Muscle with Robert Sikes

by Mike Mutzel


Dieting can slow down your metabolic rate. Learn how to “reverse diet” to increase your metabolic rate and continue fat-loss progress


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Books Mentioned:

Ketogenic Bodybuilding by Robert Sides

Episode Time Stamps:

03:15 Competing while keto to preserved lean mass as effectively, if not more so. His hunger signaling was more regulated. The main difference occurred after the show was over. He did not have the tendency to binge and purge.

05:30 When you remove heavily processed, highly palatable carbohydrates from your diet, it is not an option when you are done with your show. You avoid rebound weight. You avoid the psychological havoc of gaining after all the sacrifice you made to get ready for the show.

08:00 Significant weight gain of over 20 pounds is common in athletes after bodybuilding competitions. This is likely not good for health.

09:00 Chronic under consumption is common. Your body’s metabolic rate will downregulate to follow suit. Returning to a healthy maintenance intake or slight surplus can ramp up metabolic rate. Spend more time in surplus than deficit.

10:05 A period of higher caloric rate gives you a higher metabolism when you transition to a deficit. Your ability to be the best version of yourself in a lean state is amplified if your give enough time in a surplus.

11:58 Robert preps for 6 months prior to a show. He spends 3 months reverse dieting to a healthy maintenance intake.  There needs to be balance between the building phase and the cutting phase to achieve growth.

13:20 For about 7 years, Robert has been on a strict ketogenic diet. He has had no carbohydrate meals in that time. His daily carb intake is between 10 and 30 grams. He feels good, builds muscle, recovers well and his hormones are balanced.

14:00 You can compete at an elite level without carbohydrates.

16:00 Testosterone: Higher dietary fat in a ketogenic diet helps to keep testosterone levels stable in the context of a deficit, which is muscle preserving. Ketones are anti-catabolic. Robert feels like he preserves more muscle in his cutting phase.

17:40 Ketones prevent the catabolism of muscle.

19:00 Robert’s testosterone levels remain high during prep by being ketogenic, with high fat intake. It helps you train harder.

20:20 The harder you train in a caloric deficit and maintain progressive overload principles, sends a signal to your body that the muscle is still in high demand and to preserve it.

21:21 Cardio is a lever to pull. Robert recommends that cardio be an inverse relationship to calories, increasing cardio incremental amounts when needed.

24:15 Reverse dieting: Reversing chronic under eating (less than 1,000 calories) and chronic overtraining calls for increasing calories, decreasing cardio, and resetting basal metabolic rate and caloric intake baseline at a higher level. This means gaining some body fat for as long as months.

25:20 It feels better to increase calories, for those who have been undereating. They sleep better, recover better, have better libido, and have more energy.

27:00 Your body benefits from having sustainable times of caloric surplus and caloric deficit. You reap the benefits of both.

28:15 Robert trains fasted during all phases of training.

28:50 You won’t need a protein shake to maximize your anabolic state if you are taking in enough protein, calories, and nutrients over the course of 24 hours in your surplus.

30:40 Robert often goes OMAD, with one satiating meal, in the later phases of prep.

33:22 During the last of competition prep/cut phase, Robert incorporates ketogenic caloric refeeds. It is a calculated increase in nitrate, fat, and protein. He does them after the show as well, then increasing dietary protein and fats, decreasing refeed macros, as he morphs into the reverse diet phase.

35:30 Eating in a stressed state likely compromises your body’s ability to fully assimilate that nutrition. Eating in a relaxed state makes the most of that nutrition.

39:30 Target muscles should be hit twice a week, for natural bodybuilders. Frequency, intensity, and volume are your levers to pull.

39:50 Robert uses an 8-day training split; he trains 6 days and has 2 off days. During the training span, each muscle is targeted twice. Once with hypertrophy focus (lower weight/higher reps) and one with strength focus (heavier weights/fewer reps).

40:35 Full body days are not recommended by Robert because you won’t be able to divert enough focus toward any one single muscle group to maximize intensity.

43:00 Ground beef and eggs are easily an easy food to track and manipulate for macros.

43:49 The Keto Brick is a good source of dietary fat in the form of steric acid. It is beneficial and tastes good.

45:35 A Nootropic Brick, a brain brick, will be launched soon.

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