
#239: Exercise and Physical Activity to Prevent Weight Gain w/ Krishna Doniparthi, MD

by Mike Mutzel



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About Dr. Doniparthi

Dr. Krishna Doniparthi is the Director and physician at Functional Medicine of Georgia located in Milton, Georgia; just north of Atlanta. He has been practicing medicine since 2002 in both private-practice family medicine and hospital-based emergency medicine. Dr. Doniparthi is board certified in Regenerative & Functional Medicine, Family Medicine and Obesity Medicine.


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Links, Books and Resources we Discussion

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Show Notes

02:15 Bariatric surgery is appropriateonly when you have exhausted all other methods of weight loss or your health is in jeopardy. There is strict criteria. Insurance coverage may be available for the procedure, but it may not cover treatment of complications from the procedure.

06:32 Two to five years after weight loss surgery or medications, many patients have rebound weight gain. The initial weight loss between the two is about the same and the rebound amount is about the same as well. Nutrition and activity changes need to be permanent.

08:25 Physical activity does not cause weight loss, but it helps prevent weight regain. Physical activity is recommended over exercise. Exercise means that you are doing something without a functional purpose which causes you to be out of breath, triggering the release of lactic acid, causing inefficient fat burning. Physical activity is varied movement from daily life.

11:48 Focuson keeping your muscles active. Try to avoid being sedentary. Exercise is a new concept. Obesity was not an issue until the early 1930s.

14:83 Your heart rate should only go up in times of fight or flight. If you generate the anti-inflammatory stress hormone cortisol beyond typical use, it creates mid-section weight gain. Interval training, with short bursts of activity and longer duration rest, of 15 to 20 minutes is beneficial.

17:51 As we age we have lower levels of DHEA, the balance of cortisol. This is why it is more difficult to lose that mid-section as we get older. Dr. Doniparthi recommends that you know your DHEA levels before supplementing. Urine or saliva testing is more accurate than blood testing. Focus on addressing the cause of low DHEA levels.

18:30 Fat tissue can make its own aromatase, creating androgens. Dr. Doniparthi measures testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and the three kinds of estrogen. Extra production of dihydrotestosterone or estrogens, in men or women, are cancer creating environments.

19:58 The only place you can get rid of excess hormones relevant for weight loss and cancer is the liver. This function is hampered if the liver is not functioning well or taxed with other jobs. Ursodeoxicolic acid, or its nutritional form called TUDCA, will improve detoxification at the liver. Milk thistle is a popular botanical. Ursodeoxicolic acid is made by the liver. Soluble and insoluble fiber helps to prevent the reabsorption of hormones in metabolites, preventing recirculation of hormones kicked out by the liver.

21:53 As people lose weight, the adipose tissue releases lipid soluble toxins and hormones. They go to the liver, but the liver can only handle so much. Dr. Doniparthi has is patients do a liver detox with every 8 to 10 pounds of body fat lost.

22:53 Regular daily bowel movements are important for enterohepatic recirculation. To address infrequent bowel movements, the most important thing you can do is adopt a clean nutritional plan with real food that does not include processed food. Your plate should be at least ¾ a variety of fresh vegetables. Lightly cooked vegetables are easier to digest, but raw is best. Look at gut microbiota and liver function. Look at activity levels. It is beneficial to eat raw vegetables and raw meat.

28:54 What is processed food? The moment you pick it from the ground and start to do anything to your food, it’s processed. Pan frying it is processed. Freezing is processed. Minimally processed foods is about the best we can do.

32:37 Keto/Paleo/Mediterranean Diets employ the same principle: to lower the insulin response. 

34:43 Do a liver detoxification step to enhance liver function, prior to beginning a ketogenic diet. Do it for 7 to 14 days.

36:45 Focusing on exclusively on “good” fats can be harmful if essential fatty acids are ignored. Ketones are made from fats/fatty acids. Eighty percent of coconut oil is a saturated fat. Is the carbon chain in coconut oil (and every oil) a useable one? In the long term, we can gum up the phospholipid composition and the fatty acid composition of our cells, impeding function. Fatty acids, and especially phospholipids are the gate system for a cell. Many essential fatty acids come from vegetarian sources, like chia seed, flax seed, walnut, and sunflower. Lard is high in palmitic acid and steric acid. Short term there may be benefits, but long term could biochemical problems.

41:38 We need a variety of polyunsaturated fats in a small amount in our diets for our cell membrane physiology. Polyunsaturated fats have a long carbon atom with multiple double bonds. Our bodies like prefer chained fatty acids over odd chain (renegade) fatty acids, found in a processed diet.

42:55 Continuously taking fish oil begins to tip the scale to the omega 3 side of fatty acids over omega 6s. Omega 3 and 6 share the same enzymes. Omega 6 is your pro-inflammatory side. If you get sick or an infection, you won’t be able to build a defense against infection. Taking omega 3s daily for the rest of our lives is not the answer. Even the best nutraceutical companies do not extract fish oil correctly. It is better to eat cold water fish twice a week.

46:09 Your cell membrane fluidity is created by phosphatidylcholine. Sources of phosphatidylcholine are both plant based fatty acids and meat based. The best source of phosphatidylcholine is egg yolk.

50:22 We should gear the composition of our diets to reflect the composition of our bodies. Dr. Doniparthi uses a membrane stabilizing diet, an all-natural nutrient dense modified ketogenic diet of 60% fats, 30% proteins and the remainder is carbohydrate. This should be proportionate on your plate.

52:07Ketosis and intermittent fasting is part of our heritage.

58:05 Dr. Doniparthi’s Morning Routine:He goes to bed early. He tries not to eat late. He is up by 5:30 or 6. While still in bed, he takes a few moments to think about his day. If he’s not hungry, he only has tea or coffee.

01:00:40Dr. Doniparthi’s Desert Island Nutrient: His single food would be fish. His supplement would be a multivitamin/mineral. Between the two, much nutritional needs are covered.

01:01:41 Dr. Doniparthi’sfavorite movement is walking. Walking uses most muscle groups. It is purposeful.

01:02:25 Dr. Doniparthi’s Elevator Pitch: Our nutrition must focus on real food. All of the chronic health conditions begin when we stray from real food. School meals are not quality food. Real food nutrition should be taught in school.

  1. A lot to unpack here!!!! But I’ll just stick with this:
    It is false (and dangerous) to assert that “everything is more nutritious raw”.
    Many foods are not only safer, but MORE nutritious when Gently cooked (the key is gently; ‘wet’ and slower cooking methods do Not produce carcinogens).
    Besides the obvious benefit of preventing foodborne illness (from animals OR plants) by killing harmful microbes & parasites, cooking absolutely:

    (1) Cooking can make inedible foods edible by neutralizing toxins found in the raw form. Plants produce these toxins as self-defense against herbivory. Examples: alkaloids found in raw potatoes, neurotoxins found in raw beans, cyanide found in raw cassava, urushiol in cashews, etc etc etc. Cooking enables us to eat a much wider variety of plants than we otherwise would eat!

    (2) Cooking renders potentially problematic or irritating foods less irritating. For example, NEVER eat beans al dente, as they contain several types of toxins. They must be tender. Lectins in many foods can trigger IBS in some people, and cooking can render them much less irritating.

    (3) Gentle cooking neutralizes goitrogens in raw cruciferous veggies.

    (4) Cooking renders some nutrients MORE bio-available, not only by breaking down the fiber and cell walls of the food to release nutrients & increase digestibility, but also by
    (a) neutralizing antinutrients such as phytates, which bind up the minerals in nuts, seeds and grains, making them inaccesible. Cooking (and soaking) helps de-activate the phytates, rendering the minerals more bioavailable.
    (b) releasing other nutrients as well. We get more A from cooked carrots than raw, and a lot more lycopene from cooked tomatoes than raw ones.

    So yes, eat tons of veggies! Just wash them very well, and eat some (maybe half) of them cooked. If a dry cooking method (such as roasting, which causes browning) is the only way your kids will eat veggies, then by all means roast them! The most dangerous thing is NO veggies at all.

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