
Regular Exercise Cuts Risk of Hospitalization, ICU Time & Death, New Studies Say

by Mike Mutzel




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Time Stamps:

03:08 The COVID recovery rate is over 99.6% for people under the age of 70. Over the age of 70, the recovery rate is over 96%. Because therapies have been refined since these statistics were gathered, the recovery rates are actually higher.

05:45 The recovery rate is 99.982% for individuals under the age of 19. The recovery rate for those between ages 20 and 49 is 99.72%. For ages 50 to 69 it is 97.31%.

06:20 On death certificates that list COVID-19 as the main cause of death, 94% had at least 2 or more co-morbid conditions. These conditions may include high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, obesity, accelerated biological age, fatty liver disease, or kidney disease.

08:19 Living in a state of perpetual fear for your life, negatively impacts your immune system through psychoneuroimmunology and psychoneuroendocrinology.

10:18 Heart disease killed 2 times more people than COVID in 2020. Social isolation is linked to heart disease.

11:40 The odds of outdoor transmission of a viral infection are less than 1 in 1,000.

14:40 There are health impacts to masking: shortness of breath, increase of lactate concentrations, alterations in pH levels, toxicity of the mask, immunosuppression, and stress.

16:44 Variants are small amino acid sequence changes in the spike protein, enabling the further opening of the spike protein so it can latch onto the receptor more readily. The spike protein is an extracellular appendage on the surface of SARS-CoV-2. It enables the intracellular uptake of the virus when it is exposed to humans by latching to the ACE-2 receptor.

19:15 The increase in mortality from variants for the majority of the population is less than 1%. They may be more transmissible, but are not necessarily more lethal.

23:00 Physical inactivity is associated with a higher risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes.

24:41 The odds of death for people who do not do moderate to vigorous physical activity is 2.49 times greater.

25:34 Chile is having record numbers of cases now, even compared to the first wave, despite having strict lockdown policies and some of the highest rates of population that have had at least 1 dose of COVID vaccine.

26:44 At least 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity is a vital sign, like having a low BMI or BP.

27:38 Individuals who did some physical activity were at a 1.88 x greater odds of death compared to those who consistently meet physical activity guidelines.

28:58 Risk of death and hospitalization for those who don’t exercise, compared to those who do is 2.2 times higher. ICU admission risk is 1.73 times higher.

31:10 Suicides, suicidal ideation and drug use/overdoses in young people are occurring at higher rates than pre-pandemic. Vigorous physical is being recommended.

32:51 There is linear and independent association between exercise capacity and hospitalization, ICU or death.

33:40 Muscle strength and muscle mass are predictors of hospital length of stay in COVID patients. Low hand grip strength is independently correlated, after adjusting for other confounding variables, with increased odds of dying.

35:06 Size and strength of the vastus lateralis (thigh muscle) is independently correlated with a reduced length of being hospitalized.  Muscle mass has a key role in recovery from critical illness. Muscle strength and function are key to the recovery process. Leg muscle is more uniquely susceptible to age-related atrophy, especially in women.


Studies Mentioned:


Davies, N. G., Jarvis, C. I., van Zandvoort, K., Clifford, S., Sun, F. Y., Funk, S., et al. (2021). Increased mortality in community-tested cases of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7. Nature, 1–19.
Sallis R,Young DR, Tartof SY, et al. Br J Sports Med Epub ahead of print: 2021.


Brawner, C. A., et al. (2021). Inverse Relationship of Maximal Exercise Capacity to Hospitalization Secondary to Coronavirus Disease 2019. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 96(1), 32–39.


  1. Great video Mike. My friends on fakebook always get annoyed when I share facts with them about the virus. Do you have the links or article titles you mentioned in the video? I’ve been trying to get as many of them as possible to read and share with my friends to try and educate them. Thanks.

    • Thanks, Ryan! They’re all free and accessible. Figuring out a way to summarize in articles for folks.

      Keep you posted,


      • Ok thanks. I’ll look for them or just try to figure out from the videos. I usually listen to the podcast and was seeing if you were listing them in either the podcast notes or on the site.

  2. Hi Mike,

    Do you have links to the studies and source material for this podcast? I’d like to read them.



  3. Hey Mike, Ryan again. I was debating another person who isn’t interested in reading and thinks I’m just pulling data out of my ass, and apparently cherry picking my podcasts (I started listening to yours for health info before you ever went over bat flu data). I saw the article you posted in the video with the recovery rates (the Comorbidity & Federal Law paper). Do you know if these are still mostly stable? And how come you said that people over 70+ have a recovery rate of over 96% while the chart in the paper shows it around 81%? Did I miss something? I know the CDC mentioned recovery rates as well and I was trying to find their data on their site but couldn’t figure out which chart(s) were showing the high recovery rates that seem to match what you said. Thanks!

    • Hi Ryan,

      Sure does, you can find on the CDC website as well as this new review: chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/–a-rapid-review-4th-update-report-2021.pdf

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