In this video, we'll discuss:
– How dairy can trigger insulin and food cravings
– Therapeutic uses of coconut and MCT oil to override temptations to overeat during the holidays
– Using toxin-free candles to induce deep sleep, block blue light
– Tips to increase energy expenditure when it's cold outside
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Just a question, for clarification: when you say dairy, does this include yogurt (esp’ly but not limited to plain, Greek-style yogurt)?
Great question, Janell.
The research to my knowledge has been mostly on milk at this point; but talking off-line with Loren Cordain, he has found that all diary is insulinogenic.
Does this mean avoid it at all costs? No.
But if you’re, “doing everything right” and still not losing the weight or keto-adapting, it’s worth considering.
What about raw dairy? Same effects? 🙂
Hi Bonnie,
The research was on pasteurized dairy, but would imagine raw dairy would have a similar effect. The bacteria may affect the gut-hormones or microbiome in a positive way to minimize the insulinogenic effect, but it’s likely still a factor.
The best thing to do it test with a ketonix acetone breath meter or blood ketones (when low, we can infer that insulin is reducing ketogenesis).
Another dairy question……how about butter or heavy cream? Thanks for all your great content!
I would say:
– pasteurized is definitely not the same as raw
– fermented dairy is much better than the plain one
– dairy from pastured, free range cows is much much much better than dairy from feedlot cows eating corn all their life (since corn is basically sugar; it is also not natural since I don’t know any cows who would grow their own corn …); I think that most studies are unfortunately done with the milk from feedlot cows which is pasteurized, bull of hormones and antibiotics and on top of it, non-organic
– high fat products like butter, and to some extent heavy cream, are better than than milk or even low-fat milk, since they are less insulinogenic
– bioindividuality plays a role too; I have had many samples of different brands of the same type of dairy product tested with a biofeedback machine, specifically how they fit me. None of the pasteurised versions were acceptable for me except for butter (so I now use raw butter for eating and this acceptable pasteirized butter for cooking where it would be destroyed anyway). Interestingly, since I couldn’t find raw cream in my country, I brought some samples of pasteurized organic cream. The only one that was acceptable to my body was the one from cows living in the mountains where they eat about 26 healing highlands’ plants – obviously the nutrient quality and content overrode the fact that it was pasteurized
– I don’t know if cheese is insulinogenic too but since it is a great source of vitamin K2, I plan to continue consuming organic raw cheese from pastured cows
I must have missed something — how does dairy increase insulin without increasing blood sugar? Are there other foods that have this same effect? Does stevia increase insulin without increasing blood sugar? What about cacao powder?
One more question, not re: dairy but re: MCT…is organic coconut oil in a glass jar just as good or do I have to pay more for the MCT oil?
I wish to know if the research being done on dairy is dairy from beta casein A1 animals or beta casein A2? It may make a huge difference. (For more on this subject, please read ‘The Devil in the Milk.’) From what I can glean, A2 milk is safe for those who can tolerate dairy (depends upon one’s genes) while A1 milk has been implicated in autoimmune diseases, heart disease, Type 1 diabetes, autism and schizophrenia . So the ‘findings’ that everyone may be presenting may not accurately represent what the problem is because their research may be neglecting one important point – A1 or A2?? Most milk in the US comes from pooled milk so it is a combination of A1 and A2. New Zealand has recognized this problem and is switching their herds to A2 but it takes awhile as they have to breed new cows. Some progressive milk producers In The US are switching their herds also. The sooner everyone wakes up to this, the sooner breeding can replace the A1 cows and accurate studies can be done. Although raw milk may be healthier, a bigger issue may be whether or not it is beta casein A1 or A2 and what your genes predict. Another question . . . does ghee (which is just the butter fat without the milk protein) cause insulin spikes? It may be the type of casein that is causing this problem. I for one would like to know.
Raw Milk is white Gold I think that many are digging do deep and so they are on a meaningless road without real pavement. Follow nature and stop with this BS of precision thinking while we not know the whole story att all and this will continue for decades to come. Nature is simple but we make it it to complicated. Fix nature, eat and move healthy without stress and everything if fine.