
Cancer on the Rise in Gen Z

by Mike Mutzel


This podcast discusses the significant rise in cancer rates linked to modern factors like screen time, plastics, chemicals, and ultra-processed foods, highlighting how early life toxin exposure and everyday chemicals contribute to this increase.


Living a healthier lifestyle by avoiding processed foods, sweating through exercise or saunas, and minimizing exposure to chemical products can help reduce cancer risk.”

Tools Mentioned:

Support your Intermittent Fasting lifestyle with the updated Berberine Fasting Accelerator by MYOXCIENCE: Use code podcast at checkout to save 12%


Research Mentioned:

Sung, H. et al. Differences in cancer rates among adults born between 1920 and 1990 in the USA: an analysis of population-based cancer registry data. Lancet Public Heal.9, e583–e593 (2024).


Time Stamps:

00:10 Seventeen of 35 common cancers are significantly on the rise.

00:55 Since the 1990s: screens, light, plastics, chemicals, ultra-processed food.

02:00 We have normalized unhealthy behaviors and lifestyle.

04:26 Early life chemical/toxin exposure influences this significant rise in cancer.

05:50 N-acetylcysteine and glycine enhances glutathione biosynthesis.

06:10 Sauna and exercise helps excrete chemicals.

07:00 Exposome is the cumulative exposure to chemicals and toxins.

08:30 Processed food packaging leaches into your food.

09:25 Dust in your house contains chemical carcinogens.


Daily Habits to Implement to Reduce Cancer Risk:
  • Minimize Processed Foods: Reduce consumption of ultra-processed foods and junk food, focusing instead on whole, nutrient-dense options.
  • Improve Light Hygiene: Avoid screens and artificial light before bedtime. Use blackout curtains and reduce exposure to compact fluorescent bulbs.
  • Be Cautious with Plastics: Limit use of plastic containers and bottles. Opt for alternatives like glass or stainless steel.
  • Avoid Endocrine Disruptors: Choose personal care and cleaning products free from endocrine-disrupting chemicals, parabens, and synthetic fragrances.
  • Regular Detox Practices: Incorporate activities like sauna use, hot yoga, or regular exercise to aid in detoxification and sweat out toxins.
  • Enhance Home Ventilation: Open windows regularly to reduce indoor dust and off-gassing from new products like furniture and electronics.
  • Check Water Quality: Be aware of potential contaminants in drinking water and consider using filters if necessary.
  • Select Natural Fibers: Opt for clothing and bedding made from natural fibers like cotton or wool, avoiding synthetic materials.
  • Careful with New Purchases: Let new items like furniture or electronics off-gas outside before bringing them into your home.
  • Monitor Chemical Exposure: Pay attention to the chemicals in your environment, from household products to cosmetics, and make safer choices where possible.


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Mike Mutzel on stage giving a speech while wearing a red shirt and a microphone, with an enthusiastic expressionImage of a girl performing a hip thrust exercise with 'Glute Masterclass' written across the top. The girl is focused and engaged, highlighting her form and effort.Mike Mutzel standing in front of a whiteboard with 'Bloodwork' and related information written on it, as he gives a talk about bloodwork

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