Key Takeaways from the Video Above:
00:25: What is heart-rate variability (HRV)?
: the time differences between consecutive heart beats. Reduced HRV is associated with numerous disease states, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, depression and more.
00:48: Tools that can help: Marco Altini has the HRV4 training app that can be used with any smartphone, for free
Link to interview:
01:03: The OURA ring does give you HRV data, but not in real-time, just max in the evening and average night-time heart rate variability (HRV)
01:14: Elite HRV is a new handheld device that can give you real-time HRV analysts
Here’s why I no longer race 🙂
02:04 Competitive athletes use resting heart rate to asses training load
2:36L more variability is better
03:07 show data of low HRV and cancer, mortality
03:31 Debrah Ozmit of HeartMath Institute
03:34: Marco Altini at HRV4 training (podcast)
03:37: Alessandro Ferriti linked the metagenic diet to higher heart-rate variability (HRV)
04:06 High-frequency (HF) HRV VS Low-Frequency (LF) HRV: The high-frequency (HF) measure (power in the range 0.15–0.4 Hz) is said to reflect the parasympathetic nervous systems (PNSs)
05:10 Elite HRV gives you both high and low-frequency scores
05:38: How to use the Elite HRV app: I like to use both the “open reading” and the first morning readiness score
07:07: Using HRV in conjunction with other tools to asses training load, life load and overall recovery: take it with a grain of salt, biometric tools are great to give insights into the body, but take the readings into context with how you feel, life load and stressors
07:21 A declining trend in HRV is often a sign of over-reaching, poor sleep or upcoming cold. Time to back off on the exercise volume or intensity
08:16 Myo Relax and Calm From MYOXCIENCE can help foster deeper sleep and increase parasympathetic tone post-workout
Tools to Measure Your Heart-Rate Variability (HRV):
HeartMath Inner Balance Lightning
Polar H10 Heart Rate Monitor, Bluetooth HRM Chest Strap – iPhone & Android Compatible