Metabolic Health

Seed Oils are the New Sugar: Linoleic Acid is Stored in Fat Cells

by Mike Mutzel


Unravel the intricate connection between dietary choices, fat metabolism, and the consequential impact on inflammation within our bodies as we navigate the fascinating realm of seed oils and their tendency to accumulate within fat cells, igniting a chain reaction of inflammation.



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Referenced Studies:

Taha, A. Y. Linoleic acid–good or bad for the brain? npj Sci. Food 4, 1 (2020).

Warner, D. R. et al. Dietary Linoleic Acid and Its Oxidized Metabolites Exacerbate Liver Injury Caused by Ethanol via Induction of Hepatic Proinflammatory Response in Mice. Am. J. Pathol. 187, 2232–2245 (2017).

Kris-Etherton, P. et al. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in the food chain in the United States 1 , 2. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 71, 179S-188S (2000).

Raes, K., Smet, S. D. & Demeyer, D. Effect of dietary fatty acids on incorporation of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid in lamb, beef and pork meat: a review. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 113, 199–221 (2004).

Sanders, A. E. et al. Circulating Omega-6 and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Painful Temporomandibular Disorder and Low Back Pain. J. Pain 23, 1724–1736 (2022).

Boyd, J. T. et al. Elevated dietary ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids induce reversible peripheral nerve dysfunction that exacerbates comorbid pain conditions. Nat. Metab. 3, 762–773 (2021).

Ramsden, C. E. et al. A systems approach for discovering linoleic acid derivatives that potentially mediate pain and itch. Sci. Signal. 10, (2017).

Episode Transcript:


Okay, how are we doing tonight? Friends, we're going to talk all about linoleic acid and industrial cedar oils. Welcome back to another Metabolic Monday. We are live. Hopefully, you can hear me. Okay. Let me know what your thoughts are in the comment section below. If you can hear me, just want to pop in to the chat. We are going to dive into a topic that I think is incredibly fascinating. When I was doing some research last night, finding out that linoleic acid that is largely getting into your body by way of industrial seed oils, including canola oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soy oil, the half-life in your adipocytes is some 600 days, my friends. And here is the problem. We're going to dive into this. The real problem here is that I'm not trying to be fearmongering, but I strongly suspect that so many people are over consuming cedar oils without knowing it.


I was at the grocery store last night and I was actually just looking at a new oat milk that was being promoted heavily and so forth. And oat milk has canola oil. So if you have an oat milk latte with a muffin made with canola oil or vegetable oil, then you go out to lunch and you have a boneless chicken salad with canola oil dressing. Then maybe for dinner you go out to dinner and you have some fried chicken or fish sticks or some such. I'm speaking of children and people who are not eating the things that you're eating. So many people are getting just inundated with linoleic acid that is highly susceptible to becoming oxidized. Now, if we look here at the tissue supply of linoleic acid within fat cells, it has dramatically increased over the last several decades. Now, this is just incredible because as I mentioned and as we're going to talk about tonight, the propensity of these cyl oils to become oxidized and modified and to create downstream metabolic products that initiate inflammation and oxidative stress is highly probable that many people are experiencing a lot of adipocyte or fat cell inflammation.


And the problem is it's really hard for these linoleic acid metabolites to the half-Life is so long in the fat cell, you start to see why so many people are chronically inflamed, have knee pain, low back pain, arthritic pain, memory issues, migraines, obesity, diabetes. The list goes on. And I don't want to be fearmongering. I know there's a lot of resources about cedar oils. I'm not pretending to be an expert on this topic whatsoever, but the more that I dive into this, the more that I'm convinced that this is part of the problem, that this is the new sugar. And here's the situation. Speaking of sugar, we know that individuals who are insulin resistant are more susceptible within their body to create oxidative stress and inflammation. So you pair this ubiquitously and high prevalence of exposure to these highly oxidizable C oil in a metabolic environment where someone is already susceptible to having large amounts of free radical stress, oxidative stress, low levels of glutathione, and you have a recipe for metabolic and inflammatory disaster.


So I just want to share with you just a few articles here. This one I think is quite interesting and we're going to really dive into all these. Here's another one here, elevated levels of polyunsaturated omega six fats induce reversible peripheral nerve dysfunction that exacerbates chronic pain conditions. So this was one, this was another one. We're going to dive into this even further circulating omega six and omega polyunsaturated fatty acids in painful TMD disorders and low back pain. So it seems that the ubiquitous exposure to industrial seed oils, canola, cotton seed, soybean oil, increased hyper percept to pain. How many people say, I would exercise, but my knees hurt. Well, I would go to the gym, but I have low back pain. I would do this, that, or the other thing, but I have pain. This is I think, again, another hither to under-recognized or underappreciated reason to just get rid of this stuff, and I'm not trying to sound like a puritan here.


There was several years in my life when I was getting big into the whole gluten-free thing where I would have gluten-free potato chips, gluten-free muffins, and then I go back and look at these foods. They're enriched in sunflower and canola oil, my friend. So I was eating these things and guess what? I had back pain and things like that too. I wasn't aware of this research, and even though I was eating healthier, having more farm to table vegetables and buying grass would beef from a local farmer and things, this was something that wasn't really on my radar. I thought, what's the big deal? I mean, it's just a little omega six fats, no big deal. But again, gluten-free potato chips, you have your oat milk latte in the morning, you have your muffin over at Starbucks, you have your dressing that's sugar free on your boneless skinless salad, chicken breast and so forth on your salad. And pretty soon you're getting 50, 60, 70 grams of canola oil a day. And then knowing how susceptible and prone it is to becoming oxidized, which is what we're going to talk about today, is the problem my friend. So again, if you're enjoying the content, hit that like button. I want to thank you all for being here, live on Metabolic Monday. Just want to check into the feed. We have quite a few folks on with us, which is just fantastic. Hopefully you can hear me okay and everything is going good with the audio.


Let me know with that. So I'm going to pop out the chat here. Okay, great question came in. Is peanut oil safe? You know what? I believe peanuts are really a legume. I think that if you're going to cook with peanut oil for flavor periodically in like a Thai dish, probably, okay, I don't know that I would necessarily fry with it. I would steer you more towards coconut oil butter and macadamian nut oil. So those would be the oils that I would recommend. But mostly just getting back to cooking butter, cooking with butter, my friends. I mean, why do we have all this confusion about all these oils? And I think the big oils that are problematic are cotton seed oil and canola oil because again, these need to be highly modified. These are byproducts of industry that no human should ever really consume. And soybean oil, this stuff is everywhere.


We really shouldn't be having soy oil. So just avoid foods that have this and start to look at the labels. I mean, how many people think that they're doing themselves, their body, they're making the right health decision by getting oat milk instead of dairy, but yet it has canola oil. I mean most of the fat from the, there's no fat in oats. The fat in the oat milk is from canola oil, seven grams. So you have a couple lattes a day. You have some oat milk with a vegan smoothie. Then you have, again, as I mentioned, salad dressing, fried chicken, and pretty soon you're getting a lot of these problematic oils that are highly oxidizable. But the seed oil, I'm sorry, the fruit oils such as avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, I'm not so concerned about those because they're more saturated. They don't have a lot of linoleic acid.


Now, as Palm Mason has talked about, some of these oils might have plant sterols, and those plant sterols could cause some issues for people that are susceptible to incorporating the plant sterols in their cell membranes and so on. So palm oil, small amounts probably not that big of a deal, but I wouldn't consume a lot of that. Okay, so we're going to dive into this research, but first friends, I just want to say exercise is critically, excuse me, I want to get a sip of water. Exercise is critically important for your health. As you know, there's over 775 [email protected]. This is the only creatine, contending electrolyte out there that futures meaningful levels of both electrolytes and creatine. 2.6 grams of creatine per serving. This is a phenomenal product. A lot of people are getting great results with this. You can save the code podcast at checkout.


Okay, so just wanted to give you just a little quick overview of that. Now, let's get into, shall we some research. This is why you join these Metabolic Mondays. And again, if you're enjoying the content, hit that like button. Okay, so here's how I organize my research. It's an app called Papers. I love this. We're going to start our journal club in March, and if you want more information about that, leave a comment and I will comment back to you on that. Okay, so let's just talk about some anatomy and physiology here a little bit with a mechanism of action. So when people say these polyunsaturated fats, people will kind of clump all polyunsaturated fats into one category. So we have our marine derived EPA and DHA that are also a polyunsaturated fatty acid. This is not what we're talking about here. We're not talking about fish oil and fish contained products as being bad.


I just want to make that very clear. It's the linoleic acid enriched vegetable oils that are problematic because it turns out that linoleic acid is rapidly metabolized into these Homo octo deca, I think is what they're called, that HODE. This is the acronym, and these are very prone to initiating a downstream sequela of oxidation. And it turns out that these can increase hyper percept to pain. I'm just thinking very practically here, before we talk about all the nuances and all this stuff, just think very simply, most people have chronic pain, low back pain, knee pain, elbow pain, joint pain, and this precludes them from making healthy lifestyle choices like going to the gym, like going to yoga, like walking. So if you have chronic pain, you need to cut down your consumption of linoleic acid enriched industrial seed oils, cotton seed oil, soy oil, canola oil, okay?


These are the big ones that you want to avoid. If you have a little peanut oil and some Thai cooking, probably not that big of a deal, but just start to read the labels, my friend. Fake butter products are enriched in these oils. So you don't want to have fake butter, eat the real butter. If you're sensitive to dairy, learn how to make ghee. It's really simple. Or we just buy ghee. I'm not so worried about olive oil. People have been consuming olive oil for a very, very, very, very long time. Not so concerned about coconut or avocado oil. We're talking about canola sunflower, and we're talking about cotton seed as well as soy oil. Okay? So it turns out that linoleic acid from these industrial seed oils create these secondary metabolites that initiate downstream oxidation and increase hyper percept to paint.


This lady right here, she's actually paid by the Canola Oil Research Foundation, but even she talks about how we have increased our consumption of these seed oils, some five to 10 fold just over the last several years, decades. And these are, if you look just at the change over time, is just quite profound. Let's see here. There were some images. I'm working on a fuller video on this, but just the change. So if you look at canola oil, we have dramatically increased our consumption just since 1986, and this is only going 10 years. I mean, if you were to extrapolate this out to 2023, it would be quite profound. So we're having less butter, less lard. And where's the lard here? There was a screenshot of lard. Again, I'm preparing just a much fuller video on this, but I just wanted share with you. Now I believe there's a, okay, so right here, so I'm sorry, I might have to just share that in the other video, but she had a screenshot of lard and how we have actually decreased butter consumption, lard consumption, and it has pivoted towards soy oil and canola oil.


And this is really interesting because this lady's paid by the Canola Oil Research Foundation, which is absolutely wild. Okay, alright, so this was a fascinating paper here. Stefan Gnet and Susan Carlson, Stefan Gnet actually has done a lot of research with obesity and the brain-based hypothalamic satiety centers and obesity and talked about some of that. But this free paper you can download, you can check this out, increase in adipose tissue linoleic acid in the adults over the last half century. And what's interesting is several studies have found that our fat cells are just becoming enriched in linoleic acid. And the problem with that is the half-life is some 695 days. And the other major problem with that is we know inflammation can be initiated and progressed, propagated through adipocytes or fat cells. If we have all this inflammatory fat, that is going to be a problem.


The more canola oil you have, the more soy oil, the more cotton seeded oil, the more linoleic acid you're going to have in your fat tissue. And here's the quote right here, because the half-life of linoleic acid incorporation into adipose tissue is 680 days. Changes in linoleic acid intake would take several years to result in stable adipose tissue, linoleic acid levels. Now again, this is important because linoleic acid, as I just mentioned, is very pro-inflammatory because it's highly oxidizable. Now again, I just want to differentiate the canola cotton seed corn oil and soy oil from omega fish oil from fish, and even fish oils. The metabolites of fish oils are metabolites into anti-inflammatory components, pro resolving mediators. There's a lot of different metabolites that DHA in particular can go through. In contrast, linoleic acid from cedar oils is made into these hoes. Again, the homo Okta dedi hodes.


And so that's the acronym for these inflammatory mediators that kickstart inflammation. And so here's where the clinical studies come in. I mean, we could talk about all these mechanisms all the time. Numerous studies find an association with higher intakes of omega six fats, largely from corn, cottonseed, canola, and depression, as well as migraines. Let me make this bigger for all of you. And so this was a randomized controlled trial. This was recently published in the British Medical Journal, BMJ, finding that for individuals who have chronic migraines, if we think about the brain, the brain is fat. That's what the brain is. Your brain is mostly made of DHA and fatty acids and so forth. So if you're eating a lot of these highly oxidizable oils, then your brain's going to be oxidized and inflamed and these people are having migraines. So that was one issue.


This was a study looking at hyper percept to pain people who have a lot of linoleic acid in their body or consumption of that. It increases the perception of pain. And how many people do you know who are just in chronic pain? I can't go to the gym. I have bad knees. Oh, my knees ache, my wrists ache, my back aches, my everything aches. Why is everyone so in pain nowadays? I don't remember this as a kid. My parents just did stuff. They did yard work, they worked out, but now everyone's in so much pain and you got to scratch your head and go, why? I think a big part of that could be, obviously they're sedentary, they're chronically inflamed, but where's the inflammation coming from? It could be from all of these oils that are in our diet. As I mentioned, it's in oat milk.


It's in all the pastry products that you go. I mean, just go get a random recipe or Google a recipe for making brownies or cookies. They call for vegetable oil, canola oil and safflower and all this crap. So we're not eating butter. We're scared of butter. So we're getting fake butter that's enriched in the linoleic acid. So we're getting this stuff everywhere Now, yet even another study, hyper percept to pain. I thought this one was interesting. And so this was looking at circulating omega six and omega poly fatty acids in painful TMD and low back pain. Again, finding people who have low back pain have higher levels of omega six fats, largely from the actors that we've been talking about. The soy canola cotton seed, okay, problematic. So much more statistically likely to have low back pain if you're having the junk. And so just make your own salad dressings at home with avocado oil or with olive oil, what have you.


Now I mentioned the brain earlier. There were some studies on migraines and depression, so I haven't, full disclosure, haven't totally doven into this aspect of dementia because we're seeing dementia on the rise. You talk to anyone in healthcare, they're working with dementia patients left and right, people are losing their marbles at earlier and earlier ages, which is just really, really scary. But what is linoleic acid doing to the brain? Because we know the brain is highly susceptible to oxidation. And oxidation in the brain will of course lead to problems with cognition. And so this is, I think, new territory and something that I'm going to be actively investigating and reaching out to different researchers. But it seems that excess linoleic acid is problematic for neurodevelopment. Look at autism. Why is autism now one in 30 boys, whereas just several decades ago is one in 50, one in 60, one in 70?


Well, as I mentioned, the consumption, we are consuming much, much more cedar oils over time as this study has elucidated. And the main investigator in this particular study right here, Mrs. Chris Etherton, actually receives money from the Canola Oil Research Foundation. So the primary sources of these Lin lake acid again is soy and canola and cotton seed. No good. But it is interesting because what they talk about in this particular study is the formation of the oxidative metabolites, the lipid mediators that are very problematic. So I think if you want to optimize the function of your brain and not experience depression, migraines, mood issues, memory issues, cognitive decline, it's probably best to get rid of those gluten-free chips and salad dressings and cookies and all of those other factors that have canola oil and cotton seeded oil in them. So that's basically where this conversation is going.


And I think again, the challenging part about this is the half-life of linoleic acid in fat tissue is more than two years. Okay, well just shy of two years, like 1.9 years. And so we see this building up in the fat cells and we know that most people already have adipocyte hypertrophy, adipocyte inflammation, which can be problematic, my friends. So what do you do? Well start cooking with butter, avoid processed foods, eat whole real foods instead, and start to look for this in your salad dressings in your prepared foods and things like that because unfortunately it's ubiquitous and it's problematic. Alright, so I'm going to get to some of your live questions here. As always, friends, if you're enjoying the content and hit that like button, let me know what you think in the chat bar below. Eva has a great question. Is cold press hemp oil safe for salad dressings?


You know what? This is a good question. I'm going to see if this article even has, I don't know how much linoleic acid is in hemp oil. That's a good question. I'm really not so sure about that. So let me ask you to do some research and get about you on that. Okay, Jason says, seed oils were designed to lubricate machines and not for mankind. My friends, this is, again, I'm going to pin this comment. This is pin message. This is the crux of the problem is humans are not meant to consume these products and we're consuming them in mass, which is problematic. Okay? Is CLA included in seed oil? So conjugated linoleic acid, different conjugated CLA is actually good for gut microbes and certain bacteria can create short chain fatty acids from that that might help with weight loss. So we're not talking about CLA, it's more linoleic acid. Again, as you can hopefully see on your screen right here after I clear this layer, we're talking about linoleic acid right here. And the problem with linoleic acid in particular is that it forms these secondary metabolites that are highly oxidized and problematic. Okay, so great question there. Okay.


All right. North Life Hollywood says, I have been cooking steak and bacon, but dumping the oil. I will be safe from now on, but I will save it from now on. Yeah, so this is a phenomenal question. You take that oil or that fat and you can reuse that in your cooking process. I do that all the time. Anytime I make bone broth, the fat that comes into the top on the bone broth, it helps preserve the bone broth number one. But then you can reutilize that and repurpose that fat. I mean, this is what people have been doing. We've been cooking with animal fat for as way longer than we've been consuming these industrial seed oils all.


Okay, what about black seed oils? I've been hearing about this as of recent. I think it might have some sort of benefits with regards to covid. I'm not really sure, but I don't know much about that, but I will definitely check that out. Good question, my friends. Okay, A question about extra virgin olive oil. Like I said, I have really no problem with olive oil. Olive oil is derived from a fruit. It might have the plant steriles could be a problem for some people potentially. If you want to learn more about the plant sterile story, check out the work of Paul Mason. He's dove it into this, but plant steriles are essentially very structurally similar to cholesterol and they might be susceptible to affecting the cell membrane fluidity, which could lead to atherosclerosis. But if you think about who's been consuming olive oil, if you look at Sardinia, people all over Italy have been consuming olive oil for a long time.


I think you should eat all olives. I don't think you should consume copious amounts of olive oil is what I think. But periodically, olive oil tastes good. I mean it's got that nutty flavor. And there's hydroxy tyros all and oli lupin. There's different compounds in olive oil that may mitigate some of the oxidative effects of the linoleic acid in the olive oil. So whereas with canola oil, you don't have that with cotton. So oil, you don't have that with soy oil. You don't have that. Okay, peanut oil contains mycotoxins. ot, toin, Milton. Yeah, thank you for that. So peanut oil, probably not a ideal. Okay, phenomenal questions here. And again, if you guys are enjoying the content, hit that like button. I really, really appreciate you all being here. Live with us. We do this every Monday at five. So grateful that you are here.


David Miller has a good point. Another great point. Cotton is not classified as a food and not regulated as such. Why is cotton seed oil allowed in our food? See, David, I mean this is an excellent point that many people probably should have considered at the turn of the 19th century before it became just foisted upon us by Proctor and Gamble because cotton seeds, as you may recall, are an industrial waste product. And Proctor and Gamble, who was making wax at the time and candles decided to repurpose this waste to go after lard and butter because lard and butter was more expensive and they can sell Crisco at a lower price. And that's how this crap got into the food. Now, it took us 90 years to figure out that this hydrogenated cotton seed that has, by the way, a toxin known as gal, gal is one of the toxins in cotton seeds, which is why horses and pigs that would eat the piles of this waste would actually dies because they were consuming gal.


So proton gamble figured out how to manufacture the cotton seeded oil to remove this toxin, but they had to hydrogenate it to keep it shelf stable. And we now know that hydrogenated or trans fats are really problematic for heart health. Now the same story unfolds with the story of rape seed or canola oil, as many of you have known. And from watching our videos where we've talked about nutritional history, the history of canola oil is quite interesting, where canola oil has a unique property due to its heuristic acid component, which is another toxin, which means that it's not fit for human consumption. The heuristic acid aspect of canola oil made it very alluring during the Second World War to help lubricate the steam engines in the ships. And after the war ended, there was a surplus of canola oil supply or rape seed supply in Canada.


And scientists at University of Manitoba figured out how to rip out the heuristic acid of the canola oil and foist this into our food supply. And now canola oil is everywhere, and it's in probably your fat cells from eating gluten-free chips, salad dressings, vegetable oils. It's now even in oat milk, hemp milk. I mean the fat elements of these dairy alternatives come from canola oil, which is problematic. And as you just learned, that's problematic because the half-life of linoleic acid in your fat tissue is 694 days. My friends problematic. So what do you do? Well, we need to exercise. We need to eat real food, right? We need to lose body fat, we need to do all the right things, but we need to get away from these industrial made food-like substances. So great question from Freddie Chip is pumpkin seed oil, mostly omega six.


So pumpkin seed oil is unique. I happen to like pumpkin seed butter just as a taste thing, but maybe periodically it's probably oxidized. I mean, that's a downside. If you can make it at home and then make your own pumpkin seed butter, probably fine. But I'm not going to suggest everyone run out and buy a bunch of pumpkin seed oil or butter. If you can make it in your own kitchen, it's probably just fine. I think the important thing to consider my friends, again, exercise is really important. So here's the thing, if you have a little bit of canola oil here and there in a gluten-free chip, if you go out and have pizza at a restaurant one time or something, probably one time, not that big of a deal. If you exercise, if you have balanced blood sugar, because as we've talked about, the problem is most Americans are metabolically unhealthy and that insulin resistance and hyperglycemia is linked with oxidative expression in the body.


And since these oils are already susceptible to becoming oxidized, you take someone who's insulin resistant, a little overweight and you're just adding more and more sources of inflammation. And that's why we've spent the last 30 minutes talking about hyper perception to pain, chronic low back pain, migraines, depression are linked with high levels of linoleic acid consumption. So if you don't have any joint pain, if you exercise and you periodically have a little bit of cornal oil because you like some cookie or whatever, occasionally, probably not that big of a deal, but just being more mindful of this, I think is what we're trying to do. Okay, now before we part ways my friends, I just want to again ask for you to hit that like button. Let me know what you thought of this episode. My hair's a little messy. I just got back from skiing with my daughter.


If you were curious on that, and certainly last but not least, if you are exercising but not utilizing the power of the novel, creatine, contending, electrolyte sticks by myy, you are missing out. This has 2.6 grams of crea, pure creatine, along with electrolytes that enhance the absorption of creatine, one of the safest and most effective ergogenic aids on the market. This product is very unique. There's over 775 [email protected]. Use this during your next workout to crush it. You can save using the code podcast at checkout. So friends, as always, I'm grateful that you tuned in. Hopefully have an awesome rest of your day. We have more and more content coming on this. Definitely check out the work of Paul Mason if you haven't already. He has some really good videos on the plant sterols and how plant sterols might increase atherosclerosis more and more to come. Very grateful that you tuned in. We will catch you next Monday, five 30 Pacific Standard time. Have an awesome rest of your day, and again, grateful that you tune in. Catch you all later. Bye.


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