
#74: Ryan Sousley, DC- Tips to Set and Achieve SMART Goals in Both Health, Finance and Relationships

by Mike Mutzel



About Dr. Ryan Sousley

Dr. Sousley has created one of the most popular and successful heath centers in the Pacific North West. His dynamic ability to move and inspire others has landed him speaking gigs on seminar stages and appearances on television, local radio, and in newspaper write-ups. In this episode Dr. Ryan shares proven strategies to accomplish your life and health goals; so that you can live with more vitality, vision and purpose.

Contact Dr. Ryan



Show Notes

03:31 Dr. Sousley’s Drive: The discipline, willpower and drive has always been there. He knew that he was supposed to do something important in life and help people reach their potential so they can serve their purpose. Dr. Sousley was interning with a chiropractor while he was in college. The chiropractor made him sit down and write out his vision for his life with 6 month goals, 3 year goals, 5 year goals, 10 year and even 15 year goals. Having this helped to set his life on its path in a more focused way. In 10 years, he has accomplished about 90% of his life vision write-up.

06:20 Dr. Sousley’s Top Resources: He is a lifelong learner. One of his mentors told him that if you read 10 books on a subject, you become an expert. His goal is to become an expert chiropractor, an expert husband, an expert parent, an expert in fitness, and an expert in nutrition. He sets a goal, sets a timeline and works at it day by day.  He tries to read a book a week. One of the more meaningful books that he has read this year is Killing Sacred Cows by Garret Gunderson about changing mindset about finances. He has read Think and Grow Rich and The Millionaire Next Door.  He also recommends The Storehouse Principle.

10:53 Write Down Your Goal:  The act of writing down (pen and paper) a goal is powerful. Dr. Sousley writes his goals. Small goals he writes and places the paper in his pocket so he discovers it throughout the day as he reaches into his pocket. What you focus on expands. If you focus on the negative, you will receive more of that.  Focusing on what you want will eventually manifest into your life. How you do one thing is how you do most things. How you take care of your body is probably how you take care of your marriage, your business and your finances.

13:47 SMART Goals: Start with something simple. Be specific about your goals. The SMART Goal Process stands for Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant (Is the goal relevant to and serve the higher purpose in your life?), and Time bound. Writing down the time brings about accountability and most of us avoid this.

18:03 The Big Why behind Your Goals: Defining or identifying your big “why” behind your goal is important. If the reason why is all about you, unless you are super disciplined, the goal is unlikely to be attained. If it is, it will likely be unfulfilling. It is best when you are accountable to something much bigger than yourself. Telling others of your goal helps to motivate you to work toward it. Social media is a great place to post your goals and progress.

24:30 Five People Closest: Wherever you are in your life, you are the sum of the 5 people that you are closest with. Dr. Sousley is now disciplined with whom he spends personal time. He takes advice only from people with whom he would trade places. He surrounds himself with people who encourage him and build him up.

29:09 Long Term Goal Strategies: Be diligent. Return to your goal and modify, if necessary. Short term goals are the easiest, but they don’t matter unless they all point toward a larger goal down the road. If you establish your 5, 10, 15 year goals, it hones and refines your short term goals and holds them to a higher standard.

32:01 Using the Life Wheel:  Versions of the Life Wheel can be found online. It is a PDF of a wheel with 5 or 6 different categories: spiritual life, family life, fitness/health life, business life, social life, and financial life. Grade yourself in each category. For a wheel to be effective, it needs to be balanced. Revisit the wheel a few times a year.

35:02 Taking Action: Just do it. You’ll figure it out along the way. Wayne Gretsky said that you miss 100% of the shots in life you never take. Big risk equals big reward. Beginning to put money into savings, for example, is a way to start a mindset of abundance.

39:26 Dr. Sousley’s Favorite Nutrient: Vitamin D3 is his choice.  There are a plethora of researched benefits. Recently his highly regarded supplier ran out, so he stopped taking it. He had a hard time getting out of bed and finding the energy to workout. When he resumed the D3, his energy came back instantly.

44:28 Dr. Sousley’s Elevator Pitch: Everyone on the planet knows that you need to eat well, exercise, be a positive person, and keep toxins out of your body. What most people don’t realize is that your spine and nerve system control every function in your body. Get adjusted regularly, even if you are not in pain.


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