Autoimmune #256: Immune Cells Use Sugar to Drive Inflammation, Fats Restore the Peace w/ Alena Guggenheim, ND Acne #148: Rodney Dietert, PhD- The Human Superorganism and Your Microbial Cloud Blood Sugar Physical Exercise Improves Cardiovascular structure and Decreases inflammation in Children Meditation Meditation Decreases Inflammation, Boost Anti-Aging Enzyme Metabolism #131: Kelly Brogan, MD – The Paleo Diet and Depression. Do Antidepressants Even Work? Gut Bacteria #79: Tim Gerstmar, ND – Autoimmunity, Starchy Foods and Mindset Shifts to Reduce Inflammation Biohacking How Stress Related Changes in Food Preference Helped Caveman, But Are Making You Fat Gut Bacteria How Belly Fat Causes Inflammation and Promotes Autoimmune Diseases