
Rise In Early-Onset Cancer Linked with Faster Pace of Aging, New Study Finds

by Mike Mutzel


A new study finds higher pace of biologic aging is linked with greater risk of early-onset cancer, particularly of the GI tract, uterus and lung. The common biomarkers used as part of the PhenoAge algorithm that predicts biologic age are: glucose, WBC, lymph %, C-reactive protein, WBC, albumin, creatinine, MCV and RDW.



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Show Notes:

Happy Monday to all of you. Almost there. All right, and we are back. Today we're going to talk about the rise of early onset cancers in the association with accelerated pace of biologic aging. I came across a very interesting set of articles that I want to share with you today, and I think this is pertinent not just in the context of cancer obviously, but just how you look and feel as you get older. And we're all getting older chronologically, but it turns out that how we live our life, the foods that we eat, the sleep that we do or don't get, the stress that we impart on our life and how we manage that stress, the quality of our relationships, the quality of our diet and our exercise regimes impact the pace of our biologic age. And this fascinating analysis using UK Biobank data, found that individuals who have a faster pace of biologic aging are at higher risk of colorectal, lung and uterine cancers, probably other cancers.

But this was actually published and part of a data set here from the American Association for Cancer Research, which puts on a lot of really good conferences. I actually attended one of them back in Denver, Colorado when I lived out in Colorado. And so here's the a CR website, just you are familiar with this, the American Association for Cancer Research, and this is the news release that they released last week. I'll read you the title here. Accelerated Aging may be a Risk Factor for early onset cancers in younger generations. So we're going to dive into this and focus on a few common biomarkers that I thought are just incredibly interesting. And so some of the biomarkers that we're going to hone in on today, and this is actually from medical news today, the title of this article, and I'll do a summary of all this and link it in the show notes and so forth for all of you.

The title of this story is Early Onset Cancer, faster Biologic. Biological Aging may be Driving Rates in Young Adults, and they're just reporting on the analysis that we're going to report on today. But for those of you just hopping on here live, if you're enjoying the content, hit that like button. We're going to talk about biomarkers right now that you should be paying attention to. And let's do that right here. So for the study, the researchers analyzed data in more than 148,000 people as part of the UK Biobank data set. Now, the biomarkers that they focused on, and by the way, the reason why I want to hone in on this first is these biomarkers can be plugged into online calculators and algorithms to ascertain your biologic. H and I thought this was really interesting. I did this to myself and a few clients of mine. I've used this in the past. So the biomarkers that they focused on, and this is the Duna den pace of aging study using their data sets. There's, and I have no financial affiliation with this company, but there's a company called True Health Diagnostics, and they put this in part of their package along with a methylation epigenetic age test. We can talk about that a little bit more. I haven't actually done that on myself, but I've had a few clients do that and
Quite like it. And again, if you're here life, just let me know how the audio is. My computer's been acting funny lately, so if it's a nice robust audio, just let me know in the comments below. But let's dive into these biologic aids, biomarkers, very simple stuff, serum albumin, you should all know your albumin levels where it becomes alarming. The trend that you do not want is a declining albumin with age. In fact, albumin decreases are an ominous marker, usually a marker of cancer. And so this is the most prominent protein in your bloodstream. A declining albumin is a problem. And so a sudden shift in albumin is one of these ominous markers that many health professionals are trained to look at. So when your albumin starts to drop to less than four, that can be quite alarming, and you would definitely want to do some deeper analysis there.

Alkaline phosphatase, a declines in alkaline phosphatase can be problematic. So a low alkaline phosphatase might indicate higher rates of biologic aging or some other factors going on biologically. Okay, creatinine. This is where serum creatinine can increase in the case of chronic kidney disease, but serum creatinine is also a proxy of muscle tissue. So I do like people, especially as you get older, to have higher than what might be considered optimal levels of creatinine, usually around one would be considered ideal. Sometimes in vegans or vegetarians, you'll see this hover around 0.7 and so forth, sea ratted protein, mine hovers around 0.18 or 0.2. So generally lower the better. So a higher C rat protein might indicate more chronic inflammation that would increase your rate of aging, increased serum glucose, this is obvious for many of you. Glucose can glycosylate proteins can damage proteins, can modify proteins in cellular structures.
You don't want to have high serum glucose. Now, this is quite interesting. I wasn't aware that these two markers were linked with accelerated rates of biologic aging, MCV mean corpuscular volume. So this is the size of your red blood cells as well as the distribution width of your red blood cells. And these are proxies for iron deficiency anemia and iron issues. So that's interesting. We've known for a long time that high white blood cell count is associated with chronic inflammation, so high WBC problematic and lymphocyte proportion. Ideally these would be around 40 to 50% and shifts there could mean more chronic inflammation. So anyway, let's get into the article. I just want you to kind of know this, and for those of you watching, you may want to check out if you don't yet have it. This is our blood work cheat sheet. So this is our website, high intensity

You can go and check out the free PDF Blood Work cheat sheet. You will be opting into our email newsletter that I send one very high impact comprehensive email a week with detailed videos and things like that. But on the cheat sheet, you download the PDF for free. You will get the blood work cheat sheet that you can print out and go to your doctor and just say, Hey, next time you do my labs, please order these tests. And nothing is esoterical boutique or is going to cost a lot of money, very routine, basic stuff, yet more comprehensive than most health professionals run because of some of the negotiated rates that they have with their hospitals and insurance companies and so forth. So let's get into this article. Again, if you're enjoying the content, hit that like button. Let me know what you think in the comment section.

I will be addressing your live comments very, very soon. So again, your chronologic age can be different from your biologic age. Hopefully. If you've been living a healthy lifestyle, you have robust relationships, meaningful work and occupation, you get good sleep. You don't drink out of plastic water bottles and smoke cigarettes and things like that. Your biologic age would actually be less than your chronologic age. And it turns out that faster pace of biologic aging is linked with these early onset cancers in young people. So the investigators say, after examining biologic age and accelerated aging data, scientists found that participants born in or after 1965 had a 17% increased likelihood of accelerated aging compared to those born between 1950 and 1954 researchers discovered accelerated aging was associated with higher risk of developing early onset cancers such as lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, as well as uterine cancer.

Researchers also found that accelerated aging was linked with a 16% increased risk of late onset defined in this study as after age 55 of gastrointestinal cancer and heightened risk of uterine cancer. They say by examining the relationship between biologic aging and the risk of early onset cancers, we provide a fresh perspective on the shared etiology of early onset cancer. Now, why would young people be experiencing rising cancer rates? Well, they go on to talk about that changes in biology may be impacting the fate of one's cancer risk. And so he says, and they're echoing. What I've been telling you guys for years is get blood work once a year to see where your health trends are trending. Essentially, you want to approximate your metabolic health as well as your immune health and all that so that you're not flying blind here, my friends. You go and get your oil checked at the auto mechanic, you should be getting your blood work checked periodically. And so that's why, again, we recommend the Blood Work cheat sheet. It's right here over at High Intensity Health, right here in the header. You cannot miss this. Download this, save it on your computer. You can re-download it later if you would like. Okay, so we're going to further get into the A CR research. But again, if you're enjoying this show in these live shows, hit that like button. Let me know what you think in the comment.

I'm going to dive into some comments here. Okay, Kathleen is saying, I am being ignorant. How about cause and effect thinking you are aware of blah, blah, blah. You know what, Kathy? The, I know what you're referring to in your comment, but this data was analyzed before the thing that you're referring to was released. And so that's just what I'm going to say about that. So I understand where everyone is. I understand where your comments are going, my friends, but this, what you're referring to was not yet introduced prior to this data being released. I'm not saying that hasn't played a role. It certainly has without a doubt because again, one of the biomarkers that we're talking about here is C reactive protein, and we know inflammation is a major problem. So really good info. Okay, so let's get on here and dive into this data.

Okay, so let's further talk about this right here. This is the American Association for Cancer Research. This is where this analysis was originally done. So what we have is 148,000 people were tracked, including 1.7 million per person years. And what they found is that individuals born after 1965 had a much higher link with having early onset cancers. And the specific hazard ratios I think are worth recognizing here that when it comes to biologic aging, I might be in the way just a little bit. So it turns out that when it comes to having a gastrointestinal cancer, if your pace of aging is faster, you're at a 62% greater odds of developing gastrointestinal cancer and 83% greater odds of developing uterine cancer and even lung cancer as well. And so it turns out that accelerated aging is much more common in recent birth cohorts. And accelerated aging may emerge as a risk factor for early onset solid cancers, especially lung, gastrointestinal, uterine cancers.

Validation studies in diverse populations, as well as mechanistic investigations are needed to further evaluate the link between accelerated aging and the path of physiology for early onset cancers and to guide the development of novel, preventative and therapeutic modalities. So again, it turns out that if we are aging faster than we ought to be, then we might succumb to a different type of cancer, maybe a gastrointestinal cancer, maybe lung cancer, maybe a uterine type cancer, which is problematic. So I want to get to your live questions, my friends, but since we're talking about metabolic health, I just want to let you know about the Myo Science, berberine Fasting Accelerator. This is an amazing tool to help curb those pesky evening food cravings. There are close to 400 reviews [email protected] on this novel formulation. What makes it unique is you get berberine paired with accessory nutrients, alpha lipoic acid, as well as biotin.

It's an awesome formula. A lot of great feedback from individuals just like you can save by going over to myo and use the code podcast at checkout. A lot of great feedback from folks like yourself who are trying to optimize and support metabolic health. I will link that in the description below. So again, the take home message from this video is that we need to optimize our lifestyle, stress reduction, meaningful relationships, meaningful work, sleep, circadian rhythm, health, all these things impact the pace of aging and the pace of aging, it turns out, will increase your risk of developing a cancer. Okay, so let's get into some live questions.

Okay. Alright. Hypno Lama says he knows what's up, guys. Yes, I know, I know. I see your comments. I get it. There's just certain things we really can't talk about on this platform, but I totally get where you all are coming from, and I've been talking about that same thing for a lot of years now. Okay, Milton says, likely the rise of processed food consumption. Yes, processed food consumption, antibiotic use, the rise in cesarean section delivered babies not being breastfed. I mean, these are all things, glyphosate, Roundup, DDT, these are all things that will impact one's biologic age. Okay. Now is this an American problem? No. This study was actually conducted in the uk, which was interesting. And so this was pre covid analysis conducted in the uk. Okay. We've always had pesticides, herbicides much worse in the last 30 years or 30 years ago. So back in the seventies and sixties and so forth, DDT, and there was a lot of heavy pesticide use. Smoking was not banned on airplanes and in public settings. So yeah, there's a lot of different things to consider for sure. In some ways, our food is healthier now. In other ways, our environment was more unhealthy back then. I mean, depending upon what you want to look at, which is really interesting. Okay.

All right. Young people do not drink as much as us older folks did. Steven Smith. Yeah. It seems that young people aren't drinking as much, but they're glued to their phones and they're vaping and doing other unhealthy things, which is problematic. Hypno Lama says, what about testosterone? Wouldn't that age you slower? Yeah, it depends. Testosterone, having optimal testosterone levels is important for both men and women for sure. So that's a really good point. Optimizing hormones are very important. Young people don't really smoke anymore, not like we did, but this is the thing. Young people, I think by and large, eat more unhealthy foods and they vape more. But yeah, you're right. Smoking is down, thankfully. Okay, and more sedentary now. Yes, more sedentary on screens. And I think circadian disruption is much more prominent now than it ever used to be. So I don't have all the answers, my friends, but I do just want to, one final time here, share with you these biomarkers.

And these biomarkers are very easy. Might want to take a screenshot of these. These are just things that you can find in online calculators that would predict your biologic age, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine, CRP glucose, M-C-V-R-D-W, white blood, so count known as WBC and lymphocyte proportion. These are all things that evidently according to numerous studies. Now we'll look at your phenotypic and biologic age. And so these are just some of many biomarkers that you may want to pay attention to. And I think this is quite interesting. Again, this article is part of the med medical news today. Early onset cancer, faster biological aging, maybe driving rates in young adults. So fasting stuff here. Again, finding that our lifestyle, our nutrition, exercise habits impact the pace that we age, how we show up, how we look in the world, how we will look as we get older.

I think this is incredibly interesting. I would love to know what your thoughts are. If you enjoyed this content, hit that like button. Thank you as always for being here live, ensuring this content with a friend that may benefit from this information. That's it for today, my friends, but we will catch you next Monday. We try to do these lives every single week where we talk about all things metabolic health and beyond. So again, appreciate your attendance and hopefully you got some value from this conversation, and we'll catch you on a future live down the road. Bye now.

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