Scientists from Israel make a compelling case that Vitamin D should be a major part of the conversation when it comes to preventing severe respiratory infections.
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Time Stamps:
00:00 Low vitamin D levels are common in people with severe COVID 19 outcomes.
01:00 87% of patients admitted with severe disease had blood levels less than 20 nanograms/ml, the cut point for vitamin D insufficiency. 34% of patients with moderate illness had blood levels below 20 nanograms/ml.
01:20 Patients with vitamin D deficiency were 14 times more likely to have severe or critical illness than those with levels above 40 nanograms/ml.
01:55 If you live north of Atlanta Georgia, you should be supplementing with vitamin D in the winter. Work with your healthcare provider and do some testing.
05:17 Vitamin D is protective. People with sufficient blood levels of Vitamin D3 have lower odds of developing and contracting various respiratory viruses and influenza.
05:45 Vitamin D and the vitamin D receptor can reduce two innate inflammatory signaling cytokines, interleukin 6 and TNF-alpha. Excessive amounts of these cytokines can cause destruction of our own tissues.
07:00 The vitamin D receptor (VDR) reduces innate immune system activation and lowers chronic inflammation. NF-kappa B (Nuclear factor-kappa B) is an upstream transcription factor that, when triggered, can stimulate your innate immune system, and increase genes that make interleukin 6 and TNF-alpha.
08:40 If you avoid sun exposure through sunscreen or shade, supplementing vitamin D may be advisable. Cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D is reduced as you age.
10:15 92.3% of patients with critical illness have insufficient levels of vitamin D. 89% of patients with mild disease had sufficient levels (not always optimal) of vitamin D3.
14:20 Signs that you are taking too much vitamin D3: hypercalcemia and elevated blood calcium.
17:30 Test your blood levels of vitamin D. 50 to 60 nanograms/ml seems to offer the best results.
I started supplementing Vitamin D near the end of 2019 for my own reasons, about 4000 units daily. After testing in March 2021 I had levels of 55. I added another 1500 units plus K2 at around that time and have continued till present. it had a mild sniffle and slight cough last month (probably Omicron), but all better now, pretty good for an un v-d 71 yr old.😎
Thank you for your service to us. Is there any research on any negative effects of having too high a number like say 80, 100, 120, etc? Is there some kind of research on a bell shape curve of Vitamin D? I understand 50-60 is best range, but if you have higher ranges? I don’t hear a lot said about that. Any dangers/negative effects after a certain number? Thank you. JBC