Plant Based

Vegan Fake Meats & Heart Disease, Early Death (study)

by Mike Mutzel


Mike discusses a recent study revealing that processed plant-based foods can be as harmful, if not more so, than processed meat products, linking them to increased risks of cardiovascular disease and other health issues. The episode challenges the assumption that plant-based diets are inherently healthier and emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between whole foods and highly processed plant-based alternatives.


Just because something is derived from plants, it’s not inherently healthy. How these foods are processed really tells the whole story. Consumption of ultra-processed foods is linked with 32 different health ailments, ranging from anxiety, to depression, dementia, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes.”

Tools Mentioned:

Crush your workouts and stay hydrated this summer with the Electrolyte + Creatine Combo by MYOXCIENCE: : Use code podcast at checkout to save 12%


Research Mentioned:

Rauber, F. et al. Implications of food ultra-processing on cardiovascular risk considering plant origin foods: an analysis of the UK Biobank cohort. Lancet Reg. Heal. – Eur. 43, 100948 (2024).


Time Stamps:

00:00 – Introduction and overview of the new study published in The Lancet about the health risks of processed plant-based foods.

00:50 – Discussion on how processed plant-based foods may be as unhealthy or more so than their meat-based counterparts.

01:41 – Mention of media coverage by the New York Post and Washington Post, and details of the study's methodology using the UK Biobank cohort.

02:50 – Summary of findings that plant-based processed foods are linked to higher risks of cardiovascular disease compared to non-processed plant-based foods.

03:49 – Explanation of how replacing processed plant-based foods with non-processed plant foods can reduce cardiovascular risks.

04:49 – Discussion on the prevalence of ultra-processed plant-based products in vegan diets and their associated health risks.

06:00 – Reference to a comprehensive review showing links between ultra-processed foods and various health issues.

07:01 – Classification of foods into different NOVA categories (unprocessed, processed, and ultra-processed).

08:09 – Examples of ultra-processed foods and their potential health impacts.

08:54 – Mention of the Health Optimization Summit in London.

09:38 – Promotion MYOXCIENCE Electrolyte Stix, with a discount code for listeners.

10:48 – Analysis of data regarding the consumption of plant-based non-processed versus ultra-processed foods, including their impact on health metrics.

11:53 – Comparison of risks associated with plant-based versus animal-based ultra-processed foods.

12:58 – Emphasis on the importance of differentiating between ultra-processed and whole plant foods in health recommendations.

13:56 – Discussion on the need to avoid highly processed vegan products and focus on whole foods for better health outcomes.

15:01 – Presentation of data linking ultra-processed food consumption to increased risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other health issues.

16:48 – Interaction with live audience comments, addressing questions and concerns about diet and health.

17:48 – Comment on the sometimes contradictory nature of health advice and the environmental impacts of plant-based diets.

19:08 – Discussion on grass-fed meat and the benefits of ruminant animals compared to monogastric animals like chickens and pigs.

20:08 – Mention of high-quality beef in Northern California and discussion on food quality in different regions.

21:04 – Addressing concerns about the timing of scientific studies and the cycle of health advice.

22:09 – Brief discussion on mad cow disease and general food safety. Comment on grass-fed beef and its availability in different regions. Recommendations for eating fish and concerns about farm-raised versus wild-caught fish. Closing remarks.


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Mike Mutzel on stage giving a speech while wearing a red shirt and a microphone, with an enthusiastic expressionImage of a girl performing a hip thrust exercise with 'Glute Masterclass' written across the top. The girl is focused and engaged, highlighting her form and effort.Mike Mutzel standing in front of a whiteboard with 'Bloodwork' and related information written on it, as he gives a talk about bloodwork

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