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Books Mentioned
Book: The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker:
The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From ViolenceRelated: Backyard Homesteading
Links Mentioned
FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute Independent Study Program
Find CERT training near you PrepareSmart emergency supplies
Environmental Working Group: Skin Deep Database
Windstorm Whistle FEMA Financial Preparedness
Thrive Culinary algae oil Aisling Dream Dictionary —
Related: Chicken Raising Tips with Nancy
Show Notes
04:46 People are hoarding things that are not in sync with what their actual needs. Most people just don’t know what to do.
06:39 The difference between and a disaster is that when you experience a disaster, response resources are overwhelmed and you are on your own. 09:00 Consider the possibility of a disaster during your daily life. Look for exits and make evacuation plans. 10:25 If your gut is telling you that something is wrong, something is wrong and heed the warning. 15:52 Your grocery store stocks enough food for 3 to 4 days. 21:54 Store 1 gallon of water per person and per pet per day. 22:29 Hand sanitizer is less effective than washing your hands. 24:28 Shower at night. Wash away viruses, pathogenic bacteria, pollutants and allergens before you get into bed. 27:08 Plain bleach is used for water purification. 31:40 If you cannot flush your toilet, you can line the bowl with a large biohazard bag. 33:56 Camping gear can be the basis of your disaster kit. 36:00 Be prepared to walk home from where ever you are. 41:04 A space (mylar) blanket can save your life. 44:08 Communication Plan: Use a land line to an out of region (long distance) contact who can act as your family communicator. 48:04 For many, guns and ammo are part of their disaster supplies. Get training. 51:45 Have a stash of cash in case the power is out and you cannot get to your money. 53:00 Your important documents need to be ready to grab and go. 55:26 Have empathy, help where you can, but do not take ownership of the problems of others. 56:50 FOMO of the news and blogs about the virus becomes an addiction, a dopamine hit. 01:00:30 Get trained so you can help. 01:02:17 Good Samaritan laws are in every state. 01:12:04 FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute has an online independent studies course offering. 01:13:06 Commercial emergency food can last 5 years in storage. 01:14:10 Nancy’s Morning Routine: Nancy records her dreams in the morning and looks up meanings in the Aisling dream dictionary. 01:16:20 Nancy’s Desert Island Nutrient is red meat. 01:09:30 Nancy’s Elevator Speech: Tell people the truth about insulin resistance, diabetes, carbohydrates, sugar and blood sugar levels.