Over the years, you’ve probably heard me get excited about DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) for one reason or another.
(Partly because I’ve personally benefitted from taking it, so I am admittedly biased.)
This new study builds on the trend we’ve been discussing—that DHEA is an immune modulator—so I thought you might want to know about this new article.
Researchers in Europe gave DHEA or no treatment to older men with autoimmune thyroid disease for six months. The men in the treatment group had statistically significant reductions in markers of autoimmunity compared to the men in the control group.
Related: Support your Adrenal Health and Circadian Rhythms with MYOXCIENCE's DHEA Avail
The men in the DHEA treatment arm also showed significant increases in testosterone compared to the men who weren’t receiving the therapy.
Here’s links to the article mentioned above, as I thought you might be interested:
Any natural sources Mike? Or is this just an age thing?!
Good information as always.
Ted in Stockton CA
Hi Ted,
It’s a good question. Supplements are derived from wild yam.
You can increase endogenous levels with good sleep, strength training and healthy lifestyle.
But levels do decline with age…
Thanks for your video. I am almost 50 and have been supplementing with DHEA for several years on the advice of my naturopath. Would you support using a product like DHEA Plus that has 25 mg of DHEA with 25 mg of pregnenolone?
Hi Scott,
It’s a good question. As a man, not sure I’d add pregnenolone and DHEA at the same time. But the dosing on the DHEA sounds about right.
You might want to try lower doses of pregnenolone before bed if you have sleep issues, but DHEA should be dosed in the AM.
Take care,