
Why this Pharmacist Says Health is Created by Nutrition, Exercise & Lifestyle Not Drugs, Health Care

by Mike Mutzel



Meg Kilcup, PharmD is a pharmacist who was involved in Health Care research but left the industry after growing frustrated that nutrition and lifestyle change were not part of the conversation.




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Show Notes

05:00 Meg found that most patients were not getting better with pharmaceuticals. Side effects created the need for other drugs. Lifestyle was never considered. The medical system was broken.

06:45 On a patient level and system level, getting to the root of the problem was the answer, but it wasn’t happening.

08:30 Western medicine helps many people and kills many people.

09:44 Health is created by the choices we make every day, not healthcare.

09:50 Access to healthcare is not the problem. We don’t have a society, healthcare system, a media or administration that is teaching people how to be healthy. Let’s empower everyone not to need healthcare.

10:10 Prevention is lifestyle, not a blood test.

12:00 Most people are eating synthetic chemicals for food. This creates illness and dis-ease. Then we take more chemicals (drugs) to help the body.

12:45 You can wreck your gut when you eat synthetic foods, instead of natural food. This, in turn, can disrupt your mood, emotions, your hormones and more.

13:25 Doctors have a quality incentive. If patients get better within a certain timeframe, they get rewarded. Pills may work within the timeframe, but actual healing may take longer.

14:20 Polypharmacy (multiple medications) is a risk factor for disease severity. The more meds you are on, the more likely you are to die, need more meds, or be hospitalized.

16:50 Anxiety can come from many sources: food, hormones, gut health, heavy metal toxicity, poor sleep or a stressful life situation. We are individuals. Therefore, blanket recommendations do not work.

19:00 Anti-depressant drugs can increase risk of suicide. Working out can be as efficacious as anti-depressants.

20:00 Increased estrogen from birth control pills can cause hyperpermeability in the intestinal lining.

20:20 Antibiotics wipes out both the pathogenic and the commensal bacteria in your gut. This can cause leaky gut. Good bacteria generate your immune system. Leaky gut can cause food allergies, autoimmunity and more.

21:30 PPIs reduce your much needed stomach acid and can increase risk of stomach cancer.

24:34 To make an anti-biotic more effective, and reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria, you can take a probiotic and saccharomyces boulardii probiotic yeast, 4 hours outside of the dosage window.

26:27 Sugar feeds the bad bacteria. Minimize sugar and eat prebiotic foods when taking an antibiotic. Prebiotic foods help the good bacteria grow. Many supplemental probiotic produces are dead by the time you take them.

28:37 You can stop taking antibiotics when your symptoms are gone, depending upon the situation.

29:39 There are 47 million antibiotic prescriptions each year.

36:00 There is financial bias and corruption in what papers are published and what is aired on the news.

36:40 Ivermectin is an affordable anti-viral and anti-inflammatory which is often used as an anti-parasitic drug world-wide. It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of severe COVID. Because no one can make money on this old drug, it is not used.

38:40 Medical journals can be biased. The data can be manipulated before it is published and when it is reported on the news.

41:30 You want to see a reporting of relative risk and absolute risk in a study.

44:25 Natural supplements can be as effective and as dangerous, if used incorrectly, as drugs.  Often, drugs are synthetic creations of what can be found in nature.

52:45 Your tastebuds adapt to what you eat. Whatever you are eating, you’ll want more. Eat real food. Kids will model what you do. You want a healthy relationship with food.

57:20 Meg’s morning routine includes quiet time and getting outside first thing. She incorporates her children into her workouts.


  1. Hi Mike. You said you were going to link a podcast looking at risk: relative and absolute and the big C. Can you still do that please. Thanks

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